Miguel Torres2025-01-11 Excellent course, the examples and explanations are very helpfull Andrea Hall2025-01-06 Just completed Virtual Drive of Texas with my first teen and now about to start with another one. The website is intuitive to navigate and the information is thorough and well-prepares my new drivers for their written tests and gives me the tools to make sure they're also ready for the practical on license day. I have two more kids coming up and will be using VDoT for them as well when the time comes. Customer service is also very prompt and friendly whenever I had questions about the process. Sister Serve2024-09-16 If you are going to pick a driving school this is the one. We have used virtual drive for different driving courses, so easy, convenient, and great customer service. Michael Schnell2024-05-22 Their instructor delivery and short videos were very informative and easy to follow. I passed the test on the first try. The certificate process was very speedy too!
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