You may be surprised to discover that Texas is still one of only seven states that does not currently have a law that prohibits all drivers from texting while driving. Sure, there are major cities in the State of Texas that have passed local ordinances, but a statewide ban has still not taken place. Though Governor Rick Perry, the individual who called the idea of the ban “misguided” before he ultimately vetoed the texting bill, will be leaving office next year, it seems that lawmakers who still wish to have texting while driving completely banned may not have any luck with Perry’s replacement.
The frontrunner to replace Rick Perry, Republican Attorney General Greg Abbott, is also known to be opposed to placing a texting while driving ban on the State of Texas. He has stated that he is against more government mandates that “micromanage adult driving behavior.”
However, the Democratic candidate for governor, Wendy Davis, seems to be on the opposite of the fence. Davis even co-wrote one of the bills that would have ultimately banned texting while driving during her time spent in the Texas Senate. Davis believes that it’s important to take all of the necessary steps to limit or end distracted driving, in order to help keep citizens (both on and off the road) safe.
The month of April, though it’s quickly coming to an end, has been designated as National Distracted Driving Awareness Month by a safety nonprofit group. In the State of Texas, it’s known that one in every five automobile accidents is caused by a distracted driver. According to the Texas Department of Transportation, 459 people were killed last year due to distracted drivers. Distracted driving can include a number of acts, such as: reading while driving, adjusting the radio, eating, etc.
It’s important to know that most accidents can actually be prevented. When you get behind the wheel, it’s important to make sure your full attention is on the road. Not only should you avoid texting while driving, but you should also avoid all other forms of distracted driving. Not only could you save someone else’s life, but you could also save your own — always drive safe and smart.