Hi Kevin, Well, my 2nd child completed your drivers ed course and passed both her permit and her driving test the first time!

She actually scored 100% on the driving!! Both Steven and Katie have new IPHONES so if you’d like we can send you an updated video recommendation with both of them together or separate.. The newer technology should allow us to get the video to you to use for your website! Both the kids and myself have spread the word about Virtualdriveoftexas.com to many many friends!

All my kids are So busy with extracurricular activities (golf and sport trainers) this was the only way to go and it allowed me more control to make sure they were prepared.

Now…child number 3!! Sara turns 15 in June! She is excited to start her classes online. I told her I’ll get her set up to start for spring break.

I’m emailing you to see how to do that..Thank you so very much for helping get Steven and Kathryn (Katie) through this exciting time.

My son, is now a delivery driver for a Chinese restaurant. He is 18. Katie turned 16 January 4th and took her test a few days after! She was confident and ready!

Both are accident and ticket free (knock on wood)!!! Seriously knocking on wood!!


Wendi Severance