Virtual Drive Mobile Ready

An online course for taking your Texas drivers license test. Includes six hours of online drivers ed training to prepare student for the written drivers test, taken in the course.

Parent Taught Course #107 Seal

Texas Drivers License Test Online

One advantage to our adult driver education course is, it includes the Texas drivers license test online.  Traditionally, adults needing to take the drivers test would pickup a copy of the Texas drivers handbook. They would have to study it completely, then visit their local DPS office.  All with the hopes to pass the written driving exam in one trip.

What if there was a better way?  Well, there is!  Simply enroll in our Adult drivers education course which includes the drivers license test online.  Instead of studying through the drivers manual, you get access to six hours of online instruction, practice tests, and the final test in the course is the DPS written driving test.

Once you pass the driving test online, simply print out your ADE-1317 certificate.  You will take it to your DPS office as proof you have taken the drivers test in the online course.  This means you will not have to take the written test at your local DPS office.

New to State Drivers may have to take the DPS Driving test

The Texas Department of Public Safety may require new-to-state drivers (Drivers from another state, moving to Texas) to complete the drivers test, before being issued a new Texas license.

One option is to study the drivers handbook, use our Texas drivers license practice tests, then take the Texas drivers license test at your local drivers license office. A convenient option is to enroll in our Adult course (above) that includes six hours of online drivers ed training with eight videos, then take the driving test online in the comfort of your home.

Once you complete the six hours of training and pass the drivers test in the online course, print your ADE-1317 certificate (or we can mail it via first class mail), then take your certificate to your local DPS office.  The certificate is very important.  It proves that you have completed a state approved Adult course *and* that you have passed the drivers test in the online course.  With your certificate, you will not have to take the written driving test at the DPS office.  At Virtual Drive, all of our texas driving courses are approved by TDLR.

Expired drivers license holders must retake the drivers license test

If you fail to renew your drivers license and it expires, the Texas Department of Public Safety will require you to take the drivers license test in order to be reissued a drivers license.

Replace the hassle of studying the drivers manual with the convenience of taking the drivers license test online with six hours of interactive training.